(1) Intelligence
is disseminated through a daily intelligence summary. Information
for summary is obtained from S-2, 52d Artillery Group: Company B,
5th Special Forces Group; and S-2 Pleiku Sector. Intelligence is also
gathered from the battalion liaison sections, currently with the 2d
ARVN Ranger Group and the45th ARV N Regiment; from organic and OPCON
units, who coordinate with co-located US and RVNAF units; and from
forward obser- ver teams.
(2) The battalion
provides one aerial obser- ver who is under control of the 52d Artillery
Group. The aerial observer provides visual reconnaissance, target
acquisition, convoy air cover and conducts registrations.
(3) The battalion
placed FO teams in the field to fill 14 requests during the reporting
period. All of these teams were deployed with RVNAF units. The FO
teams supplied by the Battalion came into contact with enemy forces
several times during the reporting period. During April, battalion
forward observer teams operating in the Ben Het,Dak Soang (?)area
suffered 1 KIA and 5 WIA.
(a) 24 Feb, one
team with 1/14 ARVN CAV (Tan Canh)
(b) 4 Feb-2 Mar,
two teams with 4th MSF Bn (Dak Pek)
(C) 14-11 Mar, one
team with the 1st MSF Bn (Ben Het)
(d) 28 Feb-14 Mar,
one team with 1st Recon Co MSF (Ploi Mrong)
(e) 6-8 Mar, one
team with 24th STZ (Operation Tat Taang II)
(F) 10-31 Mar, one
team with 4th MSF Bn (Ben Het)
(g) 7-13 April,
two teams 3d ARVN Rng Group (Dak Soang)
(h) 11 April-Present,
one team 11th ARVN Rng Group (Dak Soang)
(i) 10-13 April,
one team with 42d ARVN Regiment (Dak Soang)
(j) 14-16 April,
one team with 4/47 ARVN Regt (Dak Soang)
(k) 16-22 April,
one team with 3/42 ARVN Regt (Dak Soang)
(l) 20-22 April,
one team with 4/42 ARVN Regt (Dak Soang)
(4) Radar: A PPS-5
ground surveillance radar is employed at Plei Nrong to assist the
battalion in target acquisition. The radar detachment from the 9/26
TAB is OPCON to 1st Battalion, 92d Artillery.
(5) The battalion
mans and maintains 11 bunkers for perimeter defense of Artillery Hill.
On 15 March 70 the battalion gained responsibility of 4 bunkers from
3d Bn 6th Artillery, bringing the total to 11 bunkers.
(1) Plans
(a) On 1 Feb 70
the battalion area of operation was Dak To and Dak Sut Districts in
Kontum Province. The battalion headquarters was located at Artillery
Hill (ZA220535). A forward command post at Tan Canh (ZA 053217), an
located with the 42d
ARVN Regiment) tactically controlled organic and OPCON units, and
coordinated all fire support for Dak To and Dak Sut districts.
(b) With the inactivation
of the 3d Battalion 6th Artillery and adjustment of 52d Artillery
Group assets, the 1st Battalion 92d Artillery assumed a new area of
operation and a new mission. On 27 March 70 Pleiku Province became
the battalion area of operation, with a mission of general support
of US, RVNAF and FWMAF. On 20 Mar 70, 1st Battalion 92d Artillery
turned over control of Dak To
and Dak Sut districts to the 6th Battalion 14th Artillery.
(2) Operations
(a) On 1 Feb 70
the three organic 155MM (M114A1) towed howitzor batteries of the battalion
were deployed as follows:
(1) Battery A,
was OPCON to the3d Battalion 6th Artillery. Battery A (-) at Plei
Mrong (ZA114671) (OPCON from 24 Dec 69 to 27 Feb 70) and Battery
A (Plt) at Artillery Hill (ZA225536) (OPCON from 4 Aug 69 to 27
Feb 70). Both had a mission of general support to US, RVNAF and
(2) Battery B
remained under control of 1st Battalion 92d Artillery until 20 Feb
70 when it became OPCON to the 6th Battalion 14th Artillery. Battery
B (-) at FSB #6 (YB 934187) and Battery B (Plt) at FSB #12, Ben
Het (YB 869256). Their mission was general support of US, RVMAF
and FWMAF. Battery B made no moves from 1 Feb 70 to 30 Apr 70.
(3) Battery C
was OPCON to the 3d Battalion 6th Artillery. Battery C was located
on 1 Feb 70 at Blackhawk (BR 420465) (OPCON from 31 Jan 70 to 27
Feb 70), mission, general support US, RVNAF and FWMAF.
(b) The following
units were placed OPCON to this battalion during the periods indicated:
(1) Battery B,
6th Battalion 14th Artillery at Ben Het (YB 869256), General Support,
(25 Jul 69 to 20 Feb 70).
(2) Battery A,
3d Battalion 6th Artillery at Artillery Hill (ZA 225536), GS, Pleiku
area defense (27 Feb 70 to 28 Feb 70).
(3) Battery A
(plt) 3d Battalion 6th Artillery at Artillery Hill (ZA225536), GS,
Pleiku area defense (28 Feb 70 to 2 Mar 70).
(4) Battery A,
6th Battalion, 14th Artillery at Oasis (ZA 114275), GS, (27 Feb
70 to present).
(5) Battery C
(Plt) (175mm), 6th Battalion, 14th Artillery at Weigt Davis (AR
990117), GS priority of fires to 24th STZ, (30 Mar 70 to 6th Apr
(6) Battery A
(plt), 7th Battalion 13th Artillery at Plei Mrong (ZA 114671), GS,
(5 Apr 70 to present). On 8 Apr 70 two additional 105mm howitzers
of A 7/13 joined A (plt) at Plei Mrong making A Btry (-), 7/13 Artillery.
(7) Battery C
(plt) (8", 175mm), 7th Battalion 15th Artillery at Artillery
Hill and LZ Blackhawk (BR 038538) GS (8 April 70 to present).
(c) Significant
(1) On 1 Feb
70 the battalion operated a forward command post at Tam Canh and
was onguard in action against hostile forces in the area of operations
of the 24th Special Tactical Zone, II Corps T(?)AOR.
(2) The battalion
tactically controlled the following units:
(a) Battery B,
1st Battalion 92d Artillery at FSB 6 (YB 934187) and FSB 12 at Ben
Het (YB 869256).
(b) Battery B,
6th Battalion, 14th Artillery at FSB 12, Ben Het (YB869256).
(3) On 1 Feb
70 C (plt) 1/92 moved by road from Blackhawk (BR 038538) to Camp
Fidel (BR 898403) enroute to LZ Abby (BR 747818). On 2 Feb they
continued from Camp Fidel by road to LZ Abby.
(4) 10 Feb 70
the 1/92 Artillery Metro Section ceased operation at LZ Plantation
(ZB156065) and displaced to Artillery Hill where they resumed operations
the following day.
(5) 15 Feb 70
two howitzers from C (-) 1/92 moved by road from Blackhawk to Camp
Fidel enroute to LZ Suzy (BR 575897).
(6) 16 Feb 70
C (plt) 1/92 at Camp Fidel and C (plt) 1/92 at LZ Abby were airlifted
to LZ Suzy leaving C (-) 1/92 at LZ Suzy. Their mission was general
support reinforcing, OPCON to 7/15 Artillery, in a 4th Division
operation directed against the 247th NVA Transportation Battalion
at general grid BR5678.
(7) 20 Feb 70
at 0001H, 1/92 Artillery FWD CP was released from their mission
of fire coordination in Dak To and Dak Sut Districts
by the 6/14 Artillery. 1/92 FWD CP returned to Artillery Hill. B
1/92 became OPCON to 6/14 Artillery.
(8) The 1/92
regained without an area of operation with its organic firing batteries
OPCON to 3/6 Artillery, 6/14 Artillery and 7/15 Artillery from 20
Feb 70 to 27 Feb 70.
(9) 22 Feb 70
C (plt) 1/92 moved by road from Blackhawk to Artillery Hill and
a (plt) 1/92 moved by road from Artillery Hill to Weigt
Davis (AR 900117) where they relieved A (plt) 3/6 Artillery and
asummed their mission of Direct Support of the 20th Engineers.
(10) 27 Feb 70
1/92 Artillery assumed Pleiku Province as their area of operation.
The battalion also assumed operational control of A 3/6 Artillery
at Artillery Hill and A 6/14 Artillery at Oasis (ZA 114275). They
gained the responsability of maintaining a battalion
tachnical fire direction center and controlled the fired os artillery
units located at Artillery Hill in support of Pleiku area defense.
(11) 28 Feb 70
A (-) 3/6 Artillery was released from their mission and moved out
of the firebase at Artillery Hill to standdown and prepare for inactivation.
A (plt) 3/6 remained in position and was released on 2 Mar 70.
(12) 1 Mar 70,
C (plt) 1/92 moved by road from Artillery Hill to Plei Mrong (ZA114671)
A (-) 1/92 then returned from Plei Mrong to
Artillery Hill. 1/92 Artillery operations assumed control of AWCC
(Artillery Warning Control Center, Tollhouse Hotel) from 3d Bde,
4th Division.
(13) 18 Mar 70,
C (-) 1/92d was airlifted from LZ Suzy to LZ Challenge (BR 629208).
(14) 20 Mar 70,
C (-) 1/92 moved from LZ
Challenge to LZ Hardtimes (BR 613607) by air and from there to Camp
Radcliff, An Khe (BR 465467) by road.
(15) 21 Mar 70
C (-) 1/92 moved by road from Camp Radcliff to Artillery Hill where
they went into an intensive maintenence period
prior to redeployment.
(16) 25 Mar 70,
two howitzers from C (-) 1/92 at Artillery Hill moved by road to
Weigt Davis to replace A (plt) 1/92. A (plt) 1/92 then returned
to Artillery Hill. The other two howitzers of C (-) 1/92 at Artillery
Hill moved by road to Plei Mrong leaving C (-) 1/92 at that location.
(17) 30 Mar 70,
C (plt) 6/14 (2x175mm guns) moved to Weigt Davis from LZ Athena,
Kontum (AR 776902) and became OPCON to 1/92
Artillery. Their mission was General Support, priority of fires
to the 24th STZ in support of operation Tat Thang 15 in Pleiku and
Bohn Provinces south of Pleiku City.
(18) 31 Mar 70
the 1/92 Artillery displaced a liaison team to LZ St George in support
of operation Tat Thang 15.
(19) 3 Apr 70
A (plt) 1/92 moved by road from Artillery Hill to Camp Radcliff
enroute to LZ Niagra (BR 522818). Upon closure at Camp
Radcliff, the platoon came under the OPCON of 7/15 Artillery.
(20) With the
increased enemy activity in Dak To and Dat Sut Districts around
Ben Het and Dak Soang (YB 897405). 1/92 Artillery was alerted to
execute Operation Firebird. Redistribution of battalion and group
assets resulted in several tactical moves from 3 Apr 70 to 8 Apr
(21) 4 Apr 70
A (plt) 7/13 Artillery moved by road from LZ Action (BR 264[?]70)
to Artillery Hill enroute to Plei Mrong.
(22) 5 Apr 70
A (plt) 7/13 moved by road from Artillery Hill to Plei Mrong to
replace C (-) 1/92. C (-) 1/92 then moved to Artillery Hill
and remained on alert to move to Tan Canh (ZB 053217), or Dak To
II (ZB 014214) as directed 5 Apr 70, 1/92 LMO team returned to Artillery
Hill from LZ St George.
(23) 6 Apr 70
A (plt) 1/92 Artillery moved by road from Artillery Hill to LZ Athena
in Kontum (AR 706902). 6 Apr 70 C (plt) 6/14
(175mm guns) returned to LZ Athena from Weigt Davis, operational
control returned to 6/14 Artillery.
(24) 7 Apr 70
1/92 LMO team and 2 FO teams moved from Artillery Hill to LZ Tango
(YB 90[?]336), in support of the 2d ARVN Ranger Group operating
against NVA units south of Dak Soang.
(25) 8 Apr 70
C (-) 1/92 moved by road from Artillery Hill to Dak To II. A (plt)
7/13 moved from LZ Action to Plei Mrong leaving A (-) 7/13 at Plei
Mrong. C (plt) (8" and 175mm) moved by road from Camp Radcliff
to Artillery Hill and became OPCON to 1/92 Artillery. The platoon
joined A (-) 1/92 to extend the range capabilities for the Pleiku
area defense.
(26) 17 Apr 70
the 1/92 LNO team moved from LZ Tango to LZ Lima (YB 933354) in
continued support of the 2d ARVN Ranger Group.
(27) 26 Apr 70
C (plt) 7/15 moved from Artillery Hill To Blackhawk in support of
4th Division Operations south of Blackhawk.
(28) 27 Apr 70
The 1st Battalion 92d Artillery received command inspection by IFFV
Artillery. All areas of the battalion were
rated satisfactory.
(d) Significant
(1) While the
battalion operated at Tan Canh extensive firing was conducted on
sensor targets (Henhouse Targets). From 1 Feb 70 to 2(?) Mar 70
a total of 319 He were expended on 49 activations.
(2) 6 Mar 70
A (plt) 1/92 fired 10 HE, 3WP on a counter mortar mission. Weigt
Davis was receiving incoming rounds (AR 8912).
(3) 7 Mar 70
C (plt) 1/92 fired 6 HE and 3 WP in the support ( ??? ) team in
contact (ZA 0715).
(4) 8 Mar 70
A (-) 1/92 fired 21 HE in support of Special Forces in contact (ZA
(5) 19 Mar 70
A (plt) 1/92 fired 26 HE in support of Plei Kha, a village that
was receiving a ground assult.
(6) 20 Mar 70
A (-) 1/92 expended 6 HE in support of ARVN patrol in contact near
village of Plei Boy (ZA 189639).
(7) 21 Mar 70
A 6/14 (8") fired 14 HE in support of ARVN unit in contact
(ZA 208368).
(8) 23 Mar 70
C (plt) 1/92 expended 11 HE in support of SF element in contact.
(9) 27 Mar 70
C (plt) 1/92 fired 30 HE in support of 47th ARVN Regiment taking
sniper fire.
(10) 28 Mar 70
C (-) 1/92 and A 6/14 (175mm) fired 30 HE on TOT. On enemy rocket
Artillery battalion.
(11) 31 Mar 70
C (-) 1/92 fired 13 HE in support of an ARVP Special Forces unit
in contact.
(12) 1 Apr 70
A 1/92 fired 69 HE on 32 targets in support of Pleiku defense and
Artillery Hill receiving incoming. 1 Apr 70 A 1/92 expended 24 HE
in support of ARVN unit who spotted troops in the open, grid ZA
(13) 2 Apr 70
A 1/92 expended 10 HE an observed mission on VC in the open at grid
ZA 1155.
(14) 3 Apr 70
A 1/92 fired 38 HE in support of 62d Maintenance Battalion who was
receiving incoming, at general grid ZA 1853.
(15) 4 Apr 70
A (-) 1/92 fired 8 HE on grid ZA 1053 in support of ARVN unit in
(16) 6 Apr 70
C (plt) 1/92 expended 32 HE in support of ARVN element in contact
at AR 9605.
(17) 7 Apr 70
C (plt) 1/92 expended 17 Ill, and 6 HE in support of ARVN element
in contact at AR 794194.
(18) 9 Apr 70
A (-) 1/92 expended 1 Ill and 22 HE in suppirt of Artillery Hill
and Pleiku defense area taking incoming.
(19) 11 Apr 70
A (-) 7/13 fired 86 HE in support of SF in contact at grid ZA 1468.
(20) 13 Apr 70
C (plt) 1/92 expended 3 Ill, 10 HE in support of ARVN element in
contact at grid AR 825214.
(21) 14 Apr 70
C (plt) 7/15 expended 6 HE on troops in bunkers at grid ZA 065448,
one bunker destroyed.
(22) 19 Apr 70
B (-) 1/92 expended 33 HE on
bunkers at YB 995143. Bunker complex destroyed and one secondary
explosion was observed.
(23) 20 Apr 70
A (-) 1/92 fired 4 HE and C (plt) 7/15 (8") fired 2 HE on a
TOT mission at grid ZA 7862. A total of 16 guns both US and ARVN
expended 100 rounds on the target. Surveillance revealed oating
utensils and debris scattered throughout the area. A (-) 7/13 fired
18 FC on troops in the open, general grid ZA 1068, rounds were on
(24) 21 Apr 70
B (-) 1/92 fired 30 HE on enemy bunker at YB 9215, results, 1 secondary
50'X100', orange in color.
(25) 25 Apr 70
C (plt) 1/92 fired 11 HE, 5 Ill in support of ARVN in contact at
grid AR 8323.
(26) 28 Apr 70
A (-) 1/92 expended 20 HE and 1 Ill at ZA 2158 in support of ARVN
in contact.
(3) Training
(a) Four officers
attended IFFV Arty Fire Direction Course. Three officers and 7 enlisted
men attended the IFFV Arty FO School.
(b) The battalion
continued to provide instrustors and materials for the Vietnam orientation
training of all newly assigned personel in 52d Artillery Group.
(c) The following
mandatory refresher training was programmed and conducted in accordance
with applicable training directives.
(1) Weapons Firing
and saftey
(2) Command Information
(3) Character
(4) Physical
(5) Communications
(6) First Aid
and Emergency Treatment
(7) M-60 Machine
(8) Trip Flares
- ( ??? ) Employment
(9) Weapons Zero
(10) Claymore
(11) Defense
Against Subversion and Espionage
(12) Civil Affairs
(13) Maintenance
of Equipment
(d) The battalion
initiated a program of reation tests for Artillery units located at
Artillery Hill. These tests have proven highly effective in reducing
the respose time in target engagement.
(1) The 1st Battalion,
92d Artillery continued its participation in the improvement of CIDG
Artillery and conducted an active civic action program.
(2) Significent
activities in the civic action program are:
(a) 1 Feb 70 to
17 Feb 70 the aid station with the Battalion FWD OP at Tan Canh treated
200 ARVN dependants.
(b) 19 Mar 70 A
6/14 expended 36 HE on defensive targets for Plei Mo, Duc Co, and
Plei Djerong.
(c) 23 and 24 Mar
70 C (plt) 1/92 requested a medivac for a Montagnard boy and a woman.
The boy was injured while playing with a blasting cap. The woman was
injured when she disturbed a M-79 round.
(d) 24 Mar 70 the
battalion executive officer instructed the CIDG 105mm platoon at Plei
(e) 27 Mar 70 C
(-) 1/92 the battery executive officer gave instruction on use of
aiming circle and laying of guns to the 105mm CIDG platoon at Plei
(f) 2 Apr 70 a
Medcap was conducted at the village of Plei Mrong. Provisions were
( ??? ) to include a local Montagnard medic in all future Medcaps.
74 villagers were treated at the local school. Three patients were
visited at their houses as they were to sick to move. Plans were made
to initiate a ( ?? ) immunization and preventive medicine program.
(g) 9 Apr 70 Medcap
at Plei Mrong, 47 billagers were treated.
(h) 10 Apr 70 Medcap
Plei Mrong (Yo) 56 villagers were treated.
(i) 13 Apr 70 the
Bn Surgeon, S-5, and S-4 visited the dependent housing of the 22d
ARVN Ranger Group. 100families were left homeless by enemy attack
the night before. Necessary medical supplies were made available.
(j) 13 Apr 70 Medcap
to Plei Mrong Forth, 55 villagers were treated. Interprators and local
support were provided by ARVN Special Forces.
(k) 23 Apr 70 Medcap
to Highland Military Academy in Pleiku, 26 Montagnard students were
(l) 30 Apr 70 Medcap
to Highland Military Academy 36 students were treated.
(1) The total battalion
strength at the end of the reporting period was 82.8% of total authortized
strength. Officer strength is at 91.8% authorized strength. The battalion
is short 3 Lieutenants and 1 Warrant Officer. There is only one critical
MOS shortage: 13A, short grades E3/E4-25.
(2) Key personnel
changes during the reporting period:
(a) CPT John Stills
joined the battalion on reassignment from the 6th Battalion, 14th
Artillery on 12 Feb 70, CPT Stills assumed command of Battery B on
14 Feb 70.
(b) CPT Robert
Ficock departing commander of battery B left the command on 16 Feb
70 for assignment at Ft Sill, Oklahoma.
(c) 1LT George
Overton joined the battalion on reassignment from 62d Artillery Group
on 18 Feb 70. 1LT Overton assumed command of service
battery on 19 Feb 70.
(d) CPT Carl Reese
departing commander of Service Battery left the command on 19 Feb
for reassignment to 52d Artillery Group.
(e) CPT Joseph
Sasarak, Asst S-3 departed the command on (?) Mar 70 on reassignment
to the Engineer School at Ft Belvoir, Va.
(f) OW2 Martin
Hill brand, Meteoratogical Officer departed on 13 Mar 70 for Ft Hood,
(g) MAJ Richard
Biondi assumed duties as S-3 on 28 Mar 70. MAJ Biondi joined the battalion
from reassignment at 52d Artillery Group.
(h) MAJ John (?)Barguian(?)
departing S-3 was reassigned as 52d Group S-4 on 31 Mar 70.
(3) Personnel in
the battalion received a total of 36 combat decorations. This included
2 Bronze Stars for Valor, 16 Bronze Stars for service, one Air Medal
17 Army Comendation Medals.
(4) The battalion
had 8 personnel wounded in action and 1 killed in action during the
reporting period.