1st Howitzer Battalion, 92nd Artillery (155mm Howitzer) (Towed) TOE 6-425E
573d Engineer Company (Float Bridge) TOE 5-78E
Rel fr: Fort Bragg, North Carolina, Third United States Army
Asg to: USARPAC upon embarkation.
Rdy dates:
1/92 FA BN
573d Eng Co
Auth str:
1/92 FA BN
573d Eng Co |
30 Jan 67
28 Jan 67
225 |
13 Feb 67
11 Feb 67 |
Unit will move with auth TOE equip IAW Cat A (AR 220-10) less cloth and equip reg for cold weather ops as directed by DA msg 721221 DTG 241827Z Jun 65. Units will move w/basic prescribed loads except Class III will include only a 15-day supply of packaged lubes and greases IAW DA 767526 DTG 212113Z May 1966 (NOTAL). MEE and other equip and sup to accompany troops WB as directed by CGUSCONARC. Unit WB prep to live in field using MEE. Prot masks w/corrective lenses WB issued prior to departure to pers who require them. Personal clothing WB as prescribed in AR 700-8400-1 (Enl Pers) and required pur items TA 50-901, Zone 1, (Off & WO), as amended by DA 729355 DTG 231004Z and DA 730203 DTG 272257Z Aug 65. MDC: ZC. Org cloth & equip is prescribed in para 21, AR 220-10 (POM), & para 28, AR 735-35, Zone 1, TA 50-901, as modified by DA 72993, Zone 1 (OFF & WO).
#2631, HQ, XVIII Abn Corps & Ft. Bragg, Ft Bragg, NC, 22 Nov 66 Cont.
Roster WB attch by unit w/adv party designated (if applicable) but will not depart home station until receipt of final DA Movement Directive. Prov of AR 220-10 (POM), AR 612-35 (POR), Ar 610-210, and TUSA Reg 55-2 apply. Present deployment criteria is as specified in DA Cir614-8, dtd 3 Nov 65 as modified by DA 753160 DTG 031722Z May 66 (NOTAL), DA 754430 DTG 111749Z Mar 66 (NOTAL), DA 763677 DTG 061534Z May 66 (NOTAL), and DA 769473 DTG 141612Z Jun 66 (NOTAL). Organization/Unit commander iwll cause a physical verification of all orders assigning filler personnel to his command to insure strict compliance with the provisions of DA Cir 614-8, dtd 3 Nov 65, as ammended.
Commander(s) will (amend DASO's IAW para 38a(9), AR 310-10, as necessary)(issue orders)(request amendment from losing command) to include restrictive clause contained in para 7, DA Cir 614-8, if appropriate, Provisions of TUSA Cir 612-1 (FOUO), dtd 18 May 66, apply.
Prov of para 20g and 49, AR 220-10; and Reg 345-3, this hq, apply.
MR: IAW para 110f, Ar 335-60.
Shpmt no:
1/92 FA BN
573d Eng Co |
Mov (proj) Code
Unit will move with auth TOE equip IAW Cat A (AR 220-10) less cloth and equip reg for cold weather ops as directed by DA msg 721221 DTG 241827Z Jun 65. Units will move w/basic prescribed loads except Class III will include only a 15-day supply of packaged lubes and greases IAW DA 767526 DTG 212113Z May 1966 (NOTAL). MEE and other equip and sup to accompany troops WB as directed by CGUSCONARC. Unit WB prep to live in field using MEE. Prot masks w/corrective lenses WB issued prior to departure to pers who require them. Personal clothing WB as prescribed in AR 700-8400-1 (Enl Pers) and required pur items TA 50-901, Zone 1, (Off & WO), as amended by DA 729355 DTG 231004Z and DA 730203 DTG 272257Z Aug 65. MDC: ZC. Org cloth & equip is prescribed in para 21, AR 220-10 (POM), & para 28, AR 735-35, Zone 1, TA 50-901, as modified by DA 72993, Zone 1 (OFF & WO).
Auth: DA msg 791024, DTG 182256Z Nov 66, from ODCSOPS OD TO.
Mov data:
Pers & equip will move by surface or air, as directed by CINCSTRIKE. Ea indiv tvl by air is auth 34 lbs excess baggage. Equip shipped dir by sources of sup WB marked w/Proj Code and supplementary address code. Tv1 to tm1 WB coml, govt, and/or organic trans.
Fiscal Data:
2172010 01-9811-8912-8913-8914-8915-8916-8917-8921-8922-8923-8924-8925-8926-8927-8931-8932-8933-8934-8935-8936-89-37-8941-89-42-8943-8944-8945-8946-8947-8951-8952-8953-8954-8955-8956-8957-P1489 S99999
Sp Instr:
Unit will coordinate with Post Trans for shipment of equip. Adv and rear det auth as req. Unit commanders will conduct OS orien as prescribed by para 14d, AR 360-81 and DA 734893 DTG 041355Z Oct 65. Unit commanders are auth to grant POM leave. Plague shots will be administered IAW AR 40-562. Depn tvl and mov of HHG to OS sta is not auth. Unit commanders will submit DD Form 1175 to FB Post Locator for ea indiv. APO WB furnished at a later date by separate message from DA. Dir comm between interested agencies auth w/info this hqs and Hqs, TUSA. No passports or visas required. Supply proj code will be used for supply requisitioning and ident of sup shipments. Unit will app troop movement commander as directed in TUSA msg AJAGL-S-T 00977.
Asst AG