Reunion 1999
The 1/92nd Field Artillery had a Battalion march order in November 1999. As in the past, the participants traveled by road and by air. The soldiers were converging on Fort Bragg, North Carolina, home of the 1/92nd prior to deployment to Vietnam. The danger in this trip was not an enemy army, but Mother Nature. Only weeks before, a hurricane swept though the area, causing much damage and flooding. Now a second hurricane was approaching, due to arrive Sunday, the 17th.
The reunion attendees would have to party hard and fast.The attendees all stayed at the Comfort Inn Cross Creek in Fayetteville. Friday was our travel day, and no activities were planned, other than check-in and a little socializing. We had nice rooms, and were given a reasonable rate. The hotel also gave us a small meeting room, at no charge, for our small business/social meeting. Our reunion group was small, but we all had a nice time meeting Friday night, and planning our next day's events. Saturday would be our big day in Fayetteville NC.
Our big event of the day was a tour (self guided) of Fort Bragg, followed by our noon meal, at the XVIII ABN Corps dining facility. The tour went very well, and we saw the entire post, several times. Chuck Gall was navigating using map skills honed in Vietnam. Like riding a bike, you never loose your sense of direction. The post looked great and we were amazed at the beautiful buildings the soldiers of today were occupying. The buildings would fit in anywhere as modern townhomes. Three of the attendees found another building of great interest. They were able to locate, and thanks to a very obliging E-7, receive a quick tour of their quarters of 30+ years ago. Nearby buildings were also noted, although their use has changed over the years. It was a very nostalgic trip back in time for these soldiers. During our time on post we also toured several of the museums available to the public, once our navigator was able to find them. The outdoor exhibits of vintage aircraft and artillery pieces probably attracted the most attention.
We had a very memorable lunch with the soldiers of the XVIII Corps. The dining area was a far cry from the mess halls we knew as soldiers years ago. The term "dining area" is very appropriate. Wonderful food from an array of serving areas was presented in a pretty nice setting. There were all types of salad and desert bars, plus, the area was stocked with large screen TVs so no one would miss their favorite sporting event. The seating was really nice also, and all in all, everyone enjoyed a good time. Saturday evening, the group dined at a local restaurant. We were all pretty tired from our day on post, but we still had a nice time.
The weather was becoming more of a threat, and those who would be traveling by air Sunday were becoming a bit concerned. At breakfast Sunday morning, we said our good byes, and headed for our homes. The storm was hitting Fayetteville and this was a good time to head home, but we all left with great memories of a good time, and hopes for a a good time again, at reunion 2000. |