part of our web site will take some time to complete. One report for
each day. We do not have all the reports and don't know if in fact there
is one for all of the days the 1/92nd FA was in Vietnam, but we are
in the process of putting everything that we have on first, and then
following up with what we can get.
Due to poor originals, copies & handwritting, some of the Reports
are hard to read or decipher. In places where we were unable to decern
the word(s) or number(s) we either put a (?) or the comment (illegible).
While we do hope you find them interesting and informative, we only have 9 reports marked in BOLD. If you have any
Daily Staff Journals/Duty Officier Logs, please let us know the dates
of the reports you have and please forward them to
Thank You.